Q: Do I have to register if I can't attend Tryouts?

A: YES. All players MUST register online for Tryouts in advance, regardless of attendance at Tryouts. You will not be considered for placement on a team if you are not registered. There is a section in the registration where you can enter details if you will miss tryouts.

Q: What should I wear to Tryouts?

A: Any comfortable t-shirt. A reversible pinnie will be handed out tryouts with a pre-assigned number. Pinnies will need to be returned at the end of tryouts. Shinguards are required. 

Q: Can my child "play up" to an older age group?

A: All players should attend the tryout session of their respective birth year. Opportunities for players to compete in an older age group will be decided by request ONLY from the Fusion SC Directors of Coaching and Age Group Directors. It is important to also keep in mind that the decision to allow a player to play up is an ongoing evaluation. An opportunity to play up in one year does not guarantee future opportunities. Opportunities will be evaluated and determined on an ongoing basis. 

Q: Is it possible to not play the Fall Season? 

A: If you are eligible for HS soccer you are not required to play Fall soccer. Otherwise, Fall, Winter, and Spring/Summer are required.

Q: Do I have to register/pay twice to attend both the TFE and FUSION tryouts for my age group?

A: YES. You need to register and pay for TFE tryouts if your player is trying out for TFE. In addition, if your player wants to play on a Fusion team if they don't make TFE, please also register for Fusion tryouts now. If your player makes a TFE team Fusion will refund your Fusion registration fee. 

Q: Will my 8th Grader on a U15 team have a fall team to play on?

A:  For U15 players who are not participating on a high school team, we offer training opportunities through our U14 teams, as well as private or small-group sessions at our INFINITI Training Facility.

Q: What if I am injured and cannot participate in Tryouts? 

A: Players who are injured and unable to participate in tryouts must register for Tryouts and indicate a medical reason for non-participation. Previous season coach and AGD evaluations will be used to place players on teams.

Q: Will everyone that tries out make a team?

A: While every effort is made to place each player on a Competitive team, TCSL has roster size restrictions, and the number of players trying out at an age group may prevent placement of every player. All players must be evaluated for placement on a team.

Q: Can my player move to a higher level team during the year?

A: As always, Fusion will adjust player movement, when appropriate, during the early months of winter training as players continue to grow and develop. Players may be moved up (or in some cases down) prior to the start of the summer season if there’s a team with a better fit for their skill level.

Q: What should I bring to Tryouts?

​A:  Plenty of water, sunscreen, and an inflated soccer ball of the appropriate size. 

Q: Can I watch my child's tryout? 

A: Parents are not allowed to be near the tryout fields, to coach from the sidelines, or to engage in conversation with evaluators.

Q: Is it possible to play Fall Season only?

A: No. The teams are a full year commitment.

Q:   How are goalkeepers evaluated?

A: Fusion SC Goalkeeper Tryouts will vary by age group:

  • U9/U10:  Players will rotate through field positions, including Goalkeeper, and will not try out as a Goalkeeper. Players with a high interest in playing GK may mark it in their tryout registration. 
  • U11/U12: Players interested in Goalkeeping will try out during their age group tryout. You may request 1/2 time GK-1/2 time on the field. Top level teams may have GKs that are more dedicated to the position. 
  • U13 & older (Academy/Select): NPL (Super and Premier) teams U13 and above will have a full time Goalkeeper. Players will try out during their age group tryout. 
  • U13 & older (Navy): Navy teams may have a full time or part time Goalkeeper. Players will try out during their age group tryout.

Fusion Soccer Club offers year-round Goalkeeper training, by Club Goalkeeping Staff. All Fusion Soccer Competitive Players are eligible to attend Goalkeeper Training at no extra charge through all soccer seasons - Summer, Fall & Winter Indoor. 

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